

Bismillah (In the name of Allah)

I find it hard to type a few paragraphs and say to the world, "Hey, this is me" But whenever I visit a blog the first thing I do is read the 'about me' part to sort of meet the author.

Well then, I am here to share some of my experiences as a mom, a home-keeper, a wife and a Muslim woman. I have five little blessings, who are still very young (Teds 9, Cooks 8, Fats 6, Soofer 3 and Salster 0, all nicknames, of course, for privacy purposes) I dream of being not just their mom but also their mentor, teacher, and someone they can grow up to love and trust.

I am married to a wonderful man for nearly 11 years, mashAllah. This man I consider the leader of our house and I hope to each day be there for him just like he is there for me.

I'm going to use this blog to keep a record of my goals and my progress everyday. I also want to use this blog to connect with other women who share similar ideas so we can encourage each other on this path of motherhood.

You'll find me here more often than not touching on the topics of parenting, home education, Muslim matters, cooking and providing nourishing meals, mindful living, frugality, and issues pertaining or of interest to home makers.

Because of the content of this blog only women are encouraged to follow along and if you are a man who likes the content of this blog refer your wife, wife to be, sister, daughter, grand-mother, etc to follow, please.

Enjoy! and all your comments, advises, suggestions are welcome with a pinch of kindness, please.

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